Mission Report. Commodore Jonathan Ludwig Jr. 04.10.3001
Mission Code Name: Ozzy
It is with utmost regret that I must report that the Mirladese of Mirald Prime, once known as a peaceful planet, has developed into a potentially hostile environment. Due to the seriousness of this serious discovery, I will use a serious tone.
Incidentally, due to injuries sustained during Mission Ozzy, I am forced to manually type in my Mission Report versus dictation as I have yet to regain full control of my lips and facial muscles.
Our mission involved two teams: Team Ozzy and Team Harriet. My group (Team Ozzy) jettisoned down to Giroque, Mirald Prime's largest city, whereby Chief of Security Fran Rumson, Chief Engineer Ped Varook and I instantly integrated into the local population.
Or so we thought...
During our investigation of Miraldian culture, we discovered a Top Secret vehicle capable of sustaining untold speeds. This advancement in technology obviously escaped UIN detection as it was disguised as normal public transportation. However, once we boarded the vehicle, the Miraldese must have become aware of our presence because Team Ozzy was immediately struck by some invisible force. This unseen energy made us immobile, prayed upon our sanity and even began to deform our bodies. Obviously the Miraldese meant to incapacitate us and then torture us until we divulged vital information.
Luckily, I was able to fire my stun gun, thereby disabling the mechanism that powered this heinous device. We then escaped capture by melding into the crowded city streets. If it wasn't for my quick reaction we would have surely perished.
It is my suggestion to the UIN council that a list be tallied of all such questionable planets that pose a threat to our magnanimous coalition. Mirald Prime, particularly the city of Giroque, should be placed on this list. Possible titles for this inventory could be the Foundation of Evil, the Axis of Infamy, or maybe the Nefarious Nations of the Nebula.
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