Personal Log. Commodore Ludwig. 04.01.3001
I find myself conflicted. On the one hand, I am the Commander of an Intergalactic star ship, responsible for the lives of my crew and my ship, the Liberace. It's a serious business, being The Man. On the other hand there are expectations of being the youngest to ever command a ship. I have an image of being one cool cat – a home dogg of exceptional esteem. Therefore, it is difficult form me to decide on how I should proceed.
Should I stick to the true and tried April Fool's Day pranks of old – whoopee cushions, fake dog poo, fly in the ice cube – or should I seek to be more progressive?
Ultimately I decided, while tradition has its place, I must realize that I'm J-Lud. My peeps expect a little flava' from el Commodore, and there ain't no flava' in plastic vomit gags.
Through extensive research of my esteemed crew members, I devised personalized April Fool's Day pranks for each one. I feel that my doggs will appreciate that I took the time to know them and will respect the individual effort I put in to this endeavor. It will bring us closer together as a family and increase their confidence in Big Papi.
If nothing else, my hommies will realize, J-Lud's gots mad skills, and he came to represent.
Because I was bored, I read this episode.
You're funny and well written.
Mandi (cuzinFL)
Thanks for the comments, Mandi. I know this sort of thing isn't you're cup of tea, but give this next series a chance.
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