-Ucking -ittle –astards. I'll –ip out d'ere –alls 'n ram dem down d'eir droats. Soon az I kun –ove.
Translation by Mao Ling: 1st Mate Beck is unhappy about being paralyzed by the pygmies and now he has to be propped up in the corner of the bridge and someone has to wipe his mouth every fifteen minutes.
I'll krind dem up –nto –ogfood n' fleed dem to da –ommodor'z –rench –oodle.
Translation by Mao Ling: Though he is completely humiliated, 1st Mate Beck realizes it was all a misunderstanding and wishes the pygmies all the best, even though he has to borrow adult diapers from Chief of Security Rumson.
I –idn't –ay dat. I –aid I –ill dem –all. Gut –em –ike vish.
Translation by Mao Ling: He wishes peace to all.
-eath to –ygmies
Translation by Mao Ling: Goodwill towards men and pygmies.
-uck you.
Translation by Mao Ling: Thank you.
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